What to Expect with Tango Chic

Meet Ludivine & Augusto (2015)

Watch as they journey from first lesson to wedding night.

Tango Chic will make your first dance as a new couple spectacular by:

  • Suggesting and exploring tango music that fits your personality and wedding style.
  • Customizing choreography based on the couple's dance level, choice of music, bridal gown, and overall wedding schedule.
  • Always taking place in a private studio space.
  • Video recording your steps and progress, making it easier to continue practicing between lessons.

A new dance takes time, and every couple progresses at their own pace. Plan on a minimum commitment of six hours, with time to practice between lessons.

Here's an example of how those minimum six hours may be used:

  • First Lesson: ninety minutes. This is our time to select the song, and become introduced to the steps and overall direction of Argentine Tango.
  • Second Lesson: one hour. Now that you have some foundation, we will review the basic steps covered in the first lesson
  • Third Lesson: ninety minutes. At this point we should be able to cover the entire choreography. You'll know exactly what your wedding dance will feel and look like.
  • Fourth and Fifth Lessons: are each one hour. This is our chance to perfect the choregraphy, consider the opening and closing moments, and be sure you feel completely comfortable with Tango for your big night.

For scheduling information, and to receive a pricing quote, please Contact Us.